have a dream
Stell dir vor du könntest dir eine Super-duper-hightech-profi-digital-kamera leisten. Inklusive Speichermedien ohne Ende. Und Objektiven nur vom feisten. Lichtstark. Das komplette Set.
Wären deine Fotos einen Deut besser?
Wären deine Fotos einen Deut besser?

Ein Schloss

Munich Underground
Von Alexandra Emde gibt es wunderschöne Bilder der Münchner U-Bahn Stationen – in der neuen Ausgabe von 28mm. Alexandra betreibt auch das Weblog wunderkammer.
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desktop wallpaper II
Mal wieder ein Foto für den Schreibtisch:
(jpg, 249 Kb)
(jpg, 303 Kb)
(jpg, 349 Kb)
Und hier geht es zum Vorgänger, der bald gelöscht wird.

(jpg, 249 Kb)
(jpg, 303 Kb)
(jpg, 349 Kb)
Und hier geht es zum Vorgänger, der bald gelöscht wird.
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Anybody can be famous
Die New York Times erklärt uns was Fotologger treiben.
Mr. Seifer's own site, has a motto: "Get in My Belly: Cypher." There he posts pictures of his daily bread. Like Sophie Calle, who has photographed a number of her monochromatic meals (white meals, green meals, yellow meals), Mr. Seifer shoots and posts what he eats. Unlike her, he mixes his colors. A recent meal included broccoli, carrots, mashed potatoes and Gatorade. One person responded: "This looks very appetizing. Was it Parmesan cheese? My favorite!" Another asked: "Will you let us see your baby pictures?" Mr. Seifer likes the attention: "I have 10,000 people looking at my food every week," he said.
Mr. Seifer's own site, has a motto: "Get in My Belly: Cypher." There he posts pictures of his daily bread. Like Sophie Calle, who has photographed a number of her monochromatic meals (white meals, green meals, yellow meals), Mr. Seifer shoots and posts what he eats. Unlike her, he mixes his colors. A recent meal included broccoli, carrots, mashed potatoes and Gatorade. One person responded: "This looks very appetizing. Was it Parmesan cheese? My favorite!" Another asked: "Will you let us see your baby pictures?" Mr. Seifer likes the attention: "I have 10,000 people looking at my food every week," he said.

Greycard, mein neuer Spielplatz. Hier gibts das Foto versuchsweise ein paar Tage als Hintergrundtapete zum runterladen:
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desktop wallpaper

Greycard, mein neuer Spielplatz. Hier gibts das Foto versuchsweise ein paar Tage als Hintergrundtapete zum runterladen:
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Fotoblogger, was treibt dich an?
Weil es gerade so gut passt.
Kris Cohen erforscht Fotoblogging. Er stellt sich und uns in seinem heutigen Weblogeintrag einige Fragen (die ich frecherweise einmal komplett zitiere):
NEW METAPHORS FOR PHOTOGRAPHY? Translation. Mechanical translation. Collecting. Collecting butterflies. Pressing flowers. Each emerges from photobloggers in the ethnography of photoblogging and were conceived with some care. Try to think about them carefully; how might each be differently descriptive of how photography works? And how do they contrast with older figures for thinking about photography (e.g. memory, record, document, art)? Also: in each of these possible figures for photography, as their speaker draws them out, the photographer is merged with her/his device. So they aren't simply metaphors for the camera, or for how the camera acts on its subjects. They're metaphors for the wider activity of photoblogging, which includes: walking around town in a photographically receptive mode, taking photos, storing, organising, and uploading photos, and posting photos to one's blog. What's interesting to me (though maybe not new) about this is the way the metaphors fail to distinguish fully between the photographer (photoblogger) and the technology (camera). The quiddity of the camera's perspective is added to the quiddity of the photographer's perspective, and it starts to feel less relevant to talk about technologies as distinct from the people who use them. Where would one draw the line between one and the other, if one is thinking about the actions that each performs?
Kris Cohen erforscht Fotoblogging. Er stellt sich und uns in seinem heutigen Weblogeintrag einige Fragen (die ich frecherweise einmal komplett zitiere):
NEW METAPHORS FOR PHOTOGRAPHY? Translation. Mechanical translation. Collecting. Collecting butterflies. Pressing flowers. Each emerges from photobloggers in the ethnography of photoblogging and were conceived with some care. Try to think about them carefully; how might each be differently descriptive of how photography works? And how do they contrast with older figures for thinking about photography (e.g. memory, record, document, art)? Also: in each of these possible figures for photography, as their speaker draws them out, the photographer is merged with her/his device. So they aren't simply metaphors for the camera, or for how the camera acts on its subjects. They're metaphors for the wider activity of photoblogging, which includes: walking around town in a photographically receptive mode, taking photos, storing, organising, and uploading photos, and posting photos to one's blog. What's interesting to me (though maybe not new) about this is the way the metaphors fail to distinguish fully between the photographer (photoblogger) and the technology (camera). The quiddity of the camera's perspective is added to the quiddity of the photographer's perspective, and it starts to feel less relevant to talk about technologies as distinct from the people who use them. Where would one draw the line between one and the other, if one is thinking about the actions that each performs?
Und dann geht es ab.
Konversation auf, wo sich in der Tat auffallend viele Brasilianerinnen ausstellen oder von ihren Männern "präsentiert" werden.
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Why brazilian girl?
walb @ 2003-05-07 17:13 said:
ps: this is not a brazilian girl
deborawolf @ 2003-05-07 17:35 said:
Why brazilian girl?
virginie @ 2003-05-07 17:36 said:
hahahahahaha!!!! I like your PS!!!
walb @ 2003-05-07 17:37 said:
deb, can`t you see the brazilian girl has become a genre?
mijnweb @ 2003-05-07 17:41 said:
they should add the category `braziliangirl` as a public fotolog, just like `fotopets`.
deborawolf @ 2003-05-07 17:54 said:
sorry? ...
Und dann geht es ab.
Konversation auf, wo sich in der Tat auffallend viele Brasilianerinnen ausstellen oder von ihren Männern "präsentiert" werden.