Seit 8075 Tagen. crap from the hype machine.
Anybody can be famous
Die New York Times erklärt uns was Fotologger treiben.

Mr. Seifer's own site, has a motto: "Get in My Belly: Cypher." There he posts pictures of his daily bread. Like Sophie Calle, who has photographed a number of her monochromatic meals (white meals, green meals, yellow meals), Mr. Seifer shoots and posts what he eats. Unlike her, he mixes his colors. A recent meal included broccoli, carrots, mashed potatoes and Gatorade. One person responded: "This looks very appetizing. Was it Parmesan cheese? My favorite!" Another asked: "Will you let us see your baby pictures?" Mr. Seifer likes the attention: "I have 10,000 people looking at my food every week," he said.